
Showing posts from May, 2023

Location is guarded by armed felons

      The  sign for the House of Venus gentleman's club was lit up by the rising sun as Matteo pulled into a parking spot near the back of the club. The lot was deserted save for a couple other cars. Robert Carbone, Bobby C, the boss of the Berardi Family, had an office in the back of the club. Officially he was on the  clubs payroll as it's 'Entertainment director.'          However most of the time he used it for meetings. Matteo, as a capo, had a key to the back entrance where a hallway past the dancers dressing rooms led to his office. Matteo opened the door was his key and sipping his coffee as he closed it behind him wondering why the hell Bobby had to meet with him so early. The smell of the dancers perfumes, and other odors wafted through his nose as he came to the end of the corridor to a door marked 'Manager,' and knocked twice loudly.          'Come in.' He heard Bobby say from inside and he entered. 'Hey, Bobby.' Matteo said as he wen

For the night is dark and full or terror

    Kyle dimly opened his eyes as the mid morning sun came through his blinds. When he looked to his  right he saw that Alice had gone. The clock on the nightstand right 12:01 and for a moment he was  worried that he'd slept through his alarm for work. Then he remembered the text he'd sent Mr. Price, his boss, at 6am this morning, when he'd woke up, realized what time it was, and realized he was still completely intoxicated and in no shape to make it in to work at all.                He contemplated calling Mr. Price, but thought better about it when he he imagined how he'd probably sound. Not long was Mr. Price strictly sober, he was also a former alcoholic, drug abuser, himself so he knew all the tricks, all the patterns. He'd smell the booze on my breath from over the phone, Kyle  had thought the time.           They'd had a wild time at the House of Venus the night before, drinking heavily, he'd paid for a lap dance for him and for Alice and they'd s